Exhibitor Directory

Name Booth NEW NKBA Global Connect North Hall South Hall West Hall
Hafele America Co Booth #N3227 NKBA North Hall
YipitData Booth #W2571 NEW West Hall
POL-KRES EDWOOD Sp. z o.o. Booth #SL9134 South Hall
Elite Stone Group Booth #SL3025 NKBA South Hall
James Martin Vanities Booth #N2512 NKBA North Hall
ZLINE Kitchen and Bath Booth #W2134 NKBA West Hall
Technoform Industries LTD Booth #SL1167 NEW South Hall
Empava Appliances Inc. Booth #W2335 NKBA West Hall
PKB Cabinetry Booth #SL4065 NKBA South Hall
Thor Kitchen Booth #W2656 NKBA West Hall
Dewils Industries Inc Booth #SL5093 NKBA South Hall
Designs of Distinction by Brown Wood, Inc. Booth #N2363 NKBA North Hall
Willow Bath And Vanity LLC Booth #W1756 West Hall
Karran USA Booth #N1617 NKBA North Hall
oakyourlife.com Booth #SL7212 NEW South Hall
Whirlpool Corporation Booth #W1801 NKBA West Hall
Vermont Quarries Corp. Booth #SL4051 NKBA South Hall
Officine Gullo Booth #W1415 NKBA Global Connect West Hall
ArtVidar Cabinetry LLC Booth #W1370 NEW NKBA West Hall
Century Components Booth #N677 NKBA North Hall
2020 Booth #N2013 North Hall
360insights Booth #W2078 West Hall
3CAD Booth #N2013 North Hall
618 Cabinetry Inc. Booth #SL6212 NEW South Hall
802 Cabinetry Booth #SL9162 NEW South Hall
A. u. K. Müller GmbH & Co. KG Booth #N3263 NEW North Hall
Aalto Marble Inlay Booth #N2070 North Hall
ABKSTONE MATERIA Booth #N1038 North Hall
ABKSTONE MATERIA Booth #N1038 North Hall
ACCOR Technology Booth #SL6200 NEW South Hall
Ace Hardware Pvt Ltd Booth #SL9167 South Hall
Acorn Manufacturing Company Inc Booth #N2046 NKBA North Hall
AD Cabinet Supply Inc Booth #W2164 NEW West Hall
AGT AGAC SAN. VE TIC. A.S Booth #SL5183 NEW South Hall
Airmada Drying Solutions Booth #SL9105 NKBA South Hall
AJ Madison Booth #SL6002
Akicon Inc Booth #W1267 NKBA Global Connect West Hall
Alape Booth #N317 NEW North Hall
Alcoswell Booth #SL1085 South Hall
Aline International Booth #SL6005 NKBA South Hall
Alta Aqua Booth #N500 NEW North Hall
Altair Design Inc Booth #W2176 NKBA West Hall
AM Home Delivery Booth #SL10084 South Hall
Ama Luxury Shower Booth #N2076 NEW North Hall
Amerfit Hardware Inc. Booth #N2009 NKBA North Hall
American Renolit Corporation Booth #SL7196 NEW South Hall
Amerock Booth #N2512 North Hall
Andrew Pearson Glass Booth #W1671 NKBA West Hall
Ann Sacks Booth #N1105 North Hall